Well damn... I was def ab to post ab my new mantra, until I saw this:

Misogyny in music... Great discussion topic I think. Gina McCauley is responsible for this through her "What About Our Daughters" organization. My thoughts...? Firstly, I wonder if this is directed towards hip-hop or ALL music. I think it's such a shame that we tend to criminalize our people worse than those that are on the outside. And yes, I mean racially. It's sad to see successful black people *cough cough* [Oprah] look down on rappers because of their craft, or the way they choose to form or express their talent... How do we expect the younger generations to grow and progress when we constantly hold bibles over their heads instead of helping them... Marinate on it. Anyway, I think ALL misognystic attitudes stem from a previous event causing them to distrust women. They don't just appear from thin air. NO I don't think that rap music is solely to blame, because black men CLEARLY thought this way before the hip hop movement took hold. In the same token, I think hip hop does fuel the fire in a way... BUT if you're going to argue the point for women, you're going to have to do the same for men. Just as misogynists hold negative views of women, women do the same to men. We yell about "niggas ain't shit" all day long, and then we wonder why they hold the same attitude towards us? One could make the argument of "butt naked hoes marring society's view of black women," but if we penalize our own men for lying, cheating, and being roguish, how can we expect society not to treat them as such? I think the problem lies with us dehumanizing each other so that it's easier to degrade each other. By depicting black women as booty shaking sluts, it makes it easier to view them as material objects and not as mothers, daughters, etc... Likewise, if we show black men as dogs, they stop appearing as fathers and sons in our minds, they become animals unworthy of human consideration. I could go on and on and with the "stop funding foolishness" slogan because it applies to SO MUCH MORE than music, misogynistic lyrics, and black society, but for the sake of your eyes, I'll stop here.