...Now, some people say it's the caucasian in me [not literally] but i'm SO tired of the interracial dating issue. Recently, Jill Scott wrote a column in Essence magazine talkin' ab her inner "wincing" her soul experienced when a new friend of her's that is a successful basketball player told her that his spouse was indeed caucasian. While most people can either identify with this story to some extent, myself included, I don't see what the big fucking deal is! There has been an obvious pattern of successful minority men that get successful, && for some reason or another decide to date whited women. Most black women see this as "Oh, I think I'm better than date black women now," but, what if they already had the desire to date outside of their race but felt that they weren't good enough, or that it wouldn't be received well unless they had some kind of clout? What if? Whatever the situation or mental predicament of the male, black women need to stop being bitter ab the "race" issue. We have fought too long and too hard as double minorities to be treated and accepted as equals to hold a grudge. We are taught as young girls that we should go to school, get a job, meet a nice black man and raise a family... Why aren't we taught not to make the mistakes of our predecessors? Are we any better than the "white man" if we let simple situations such as seeing a black man with a white woman make us feel inferior...? No. There is a problem within us that we seem to hold white women to a higher esteem than ourselves, so it "discourages" us... I'm tired of hearing the argument "He's with her because she got money..." "He's with her because she let's him do whatever..." "He's with her because she's submissive..." etc. etc... Maybe he's with her because she has a nice person && he wants to surround himself with someone with a positive attitude? What ab that? We never wanna look at that side of the spectrum because it would prove us wrong. We are led to believe that different races are raised && bred differently, but the same discrepancies we so readily recognize in other races are also present within our own. Once again, it is our OWN insecurities that continue to hold us down. This is the main problem with "our" females... If we stop worrying ab everybody else, && concentrate on our business, MAYBE that would help our current situation of being the most-likely to be single... SMH. Get over yourselves && your "slave mentality" that the white man, or in this case the "white woman" is holding us down... NO. You are holding your own selves down. If you're gonna be a bird, rise above the ashes, don't get comfortable && settle in them.
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