Rumor has it that Lawrence Fishburne's daughter, Montana, wants to break into acting... by doing what? Making a sextape. What better way for talentless spawn to create a career out of nothing? She even referenced Kim Kardashian as her inspiration to pull such a stunt and has a lot of "at home experience" . Sigh. The youth of America... I mean, everyone gets a little sexually frustrated, but damn, PORN? And she's getting boned by one of the BIGGEST (literally) in the industry? I just don't get it... If she wants to be a socialite she should just go kiss someone's ass... It's not that hard. I just don't think that cum shots and shoving a gigantic penis down your throat is the way to go if you're trying to become an actress... But hey, I'm no scout. I wonder what her parent's think... Even though they kinda set her up for it by naming her "Montana Fishburne" she's been a twat shot waiting to happen since she was born... I wonder if they're gonna be all diplomatic and "she's a mature young lady and she can do what she wants and we'll support her" or be a typical black family and beat the ape shit out of her... *shrugs* Personally, I feel bad for whoever is gonna be doing her... would YOU wanna look down at Morpheus? o_0
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