It's horribly selfish && slightly mean, but I'm gonna say it anyway... Damn Alexander McQueen for dying! I mean shit, he took away one of the greatest, innovative, futuristic, && passionate couture designers to ever walk this planet. How dare he deprive the world from his creations? As SOON as I got my money up, I def would've been a frequent customer... Everybody needs a little avante-garde in their shoe repertoire && I think he took that away from me :( Ahhhhhh but off the soap box... These. I don't even know what to say other than to let out a moan similar to one you should only hear when _____ uhhhh yeh. I love them. Who think's of this? Mechanical heel?! It reminds me of one of the mechanic spider's legs from "The Wild Wild West" (c) '99. They remind me of something Inspector Gadget's wife would wear to get her spouse's rocks of with some weird boobey trapped lingerie... Maybe I'ma nympho but oh well. These shoes put me in a world of a futuristic mechanical strip club, && if I had $2500, I would DEF cop.
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