Maybe I'm late, but Christina Aguilera && Lady Gaga are beefing? What the fuck for? From what I gather, there's an element of "swagger-jacking," but in essence, isn't everyone guilty of this? Sigh... Anyways. Back to basics [no pun intended]. Christina Aguilera is known as the once teeny-bopper with the big voice who suddenly turn a tad more slutty, edgy, and then became a 50s pin-up... Lady Gaga on the other hand, began as a slightly less uhhhhhh risque/avante garde ghost-writer && as her fame grew and she came into the spotlight and into her own, she became progressively... weirder. Even though these two both went through their own respective "transformations" if you wanna call it that, how in the blue hell do they correlate? What, are they jealous of each other because they're both rocking the platinum hair && red lipstick? The fuck? Find something else to do with your lives. Christina is known && always will be known for her amazing voice and strange ability to transition out of becoming a poppy teenaged whore && into a classy woman. Lady Gaga is known && always will be known for her style... whatever people make of it. that is her niche, and that is where she should stay. I am of fan of both as artists and their respective positions in music, but to fight over whose biting who is ridiculous... Who cares? Pop beef is never going to be significant, so let's leave it in the past, && make more music for the less-musically inclined masses.
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