Thursday, May 20, 2010
The New New
Soooo on another one of my random music binges, I discovered JC Durrah. I'll admit, idk squat ab him, other than he's an effing master at mixing acapella, with modern sounds, && runs... It's a cool, calm, and collected mixtape... Good shit.
The download:
I follow Donwill from Tanya Morgan on Twitter, && yesterday he tweeted about a group called Electric Wire Hustle. Being nosy, I looked em up. Not at all what I expected lol. They have a kinda punk, soulful sound... The greater majority of the songs are mellow, but when you get towards the end, it starts to get a little heavy && loud, but idk, someone might be into that shit. All in all, it's good stuff, so go check it out :)
The Download:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
If You Truly Wish to Be...
Yehhhh throwback. lol. Not only is this one of my all time favorite classic movies, it's very though provoking, now that I'm beginning to actually get the point of the movie... I was listening to "Pure Imagination" && I was thinking, what would I give to be a kid again? To take full advantage of some of the opportunities I passed up, to clean up my fuck ups and do it all over again... To not be a pussy && take the easy way out... What if I actually danced... not only with passion, but with drive and determination to actually make a life out of it? I've always dreamed of having a career in entertainment, but if I actually put my all into it to really make it happen... where would I be today? If I'm gonna go back that far, what if I had actually stayed at genius status... what college would I have ended up at? Would I have been a bilingual opinionated nerd not getting any? Could I have been one of those child prodigies you see on Oprah telling the general public about get rich schemes at 20yrs old? I mean really what would I be if I had followed my childhood dreams... ? It's not good to dwell in the past, but it's certainly not a crime to revisit it to view your progress && to keep from making the same mistakes twice... I need to tighten up my belt, the cracks in my life are starting to show... Until I find the solution, I'll keep matching dreams with action && see where that takes me...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Now, I haven't rocked with Alicia from a musical aspect for about two years. I still hold to what I've said previously that she can NOT sing, but she is a wonderful musician, && I must say, although this one was written by Drake, it's one of my favorites of all time. I miss the mature Alicia that wasn't tryna "pop-up" her sound to seem more marketable to a younger audience... I liked the old Alicia, cornrows, a piano, && a pen was all she USED to need. That was was when she was at her peak in my opinion. This new batch of "twenty-bopper" love tunes blows my balls. After "Diary of Alicia Keys," I was done. "Teenage Love Affair" broke my heart. Wtf?! It was like watching Mariah Carey's career for a second time, slow and fatal digression. Anyway THIS song, is mine... I mean, I heard it, && couldn't stop playing it, couldn't stop singing it, couldn't stop thinking ab how relevant it was to my life.... Ahem, but the video is def not what I expected. The concept, clever, but a tad overdone. Not as much drama as I would've liked, but a helluva lot of fake emotion, on Alicia's part. Her "acting" is pretty good, but she's a terrible lyrical mime lol. Anyway, watch, listen, && ponder... My overall grade, A-.
Ahhhh the Beat of My ♥
damn.Damn.DAMN... Yet another #loss for the summer. Anyone that knows me knows that I love Atlanta, && I love Atlanta music... ESPECIALLY underground, so when I read ab Atlanta's Indie Fest 2010 hosted by Corey Davis, I was hella excited! Last year it featured two of my favs, Mach 5 and Hollyweerd... && not t o mention Mickey Factz && Big Sean... However I can NOT find info on the festival for this year! What the eff?! Once again excited for a big let down... This could be my chance to be a tiny bit of a groupie && to FINALLY see Miya Bailey, Hollyweerd, && Corey Davis at City of Ink && hell it IS Atlanta so there's a good chance I might see Brittany Bosco too... Ahhhh yeh the Jack rabbit. Too bad I'm going to summer school && the beach so unless it's at a convenient date, I STILL won't be able to go... *pouts*
Anywho's... the music. Hollyweerd; I've been riding their balls pretty hard for ab a good year && a half now, Edible Phat, Electric Showroom, to Candy for Kleptos, && the remixes... Follow them on twitter && all... Yeh I'ma groupie lol But anywho, they sound like a modern Outkast without the early grit, so I'll sayyyyyyy (c) 2000. From trippy background tunes to clever linguistic twists, they are, in MY opinion, the CLOSEST answer we have to this tragic music world we have w/o Outkast... Link ---->
Mach 5: I'm prety new to them actually. The first one I copped was "The Playground" mixtape, && I HAVE to say, from that moment, it was love... lol Their music is tight && emeffin H I L A R I O U S. "Nasty" off the above, is MOST DEFINITELY one of the nastiest songs I've ever heard in my life, but, that is my shit. Their a more whimsical spin on the new "hipster rap" as the call it, but whatever genre you wanna throw it under, I likes. Link----->
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
...On a day-to-day basis, I am constantly subjected to a myriad of bullshit that forcibly penetrates my ears, but every one in a blue moon, there comes a musician/band/singer/PRODUCER that makes me excited to be alive && shows me why I love music so much... This person right now is Freddie Joachim. This brings me to my next point. Literally. ☝. I hate mother fucking snippets! It started with the Last resort Eps with Mellow Orange && 'nem [country] && at first I was like okay, hot, hotter, fucking fire! And as I came to my climax, it ended! WTF?! A snippet is like a minute man with a big ass dick! Excuse me for my vulgar vernacular, but imagine my frustration! Seriously! I'm vibing and shit, && out of the blue, it fades into nothingness... SIGH. I know the reason for them, give you a sample of what you intend to BUY but in all honesty, I am a B.R.O.K.E college student! I love music, but uhhhh unless it is a device in which to hold it, tunes are simply not in my budget lol THAT being said, I did my research on this fella && it turns out that him && his gang have plenty of FREE downloadables to keep me happy for a good minute, or until I get my cake up lmao. So uhhh tune in. The man is fucking sick. I mean "It Just Ain't Working Out" -Mayer Hawthorne remix? #getthefuckouttahere
And another thing! I hate when artists put their entire mixtape on one trck instead of splitting them up! Ugh! What if I don't like all the songs, or I like one more than the others? You just gonna make me listen to the whole thing huh?! lol Next week, remind me why my opinion matters, but for now, I'm just putting it out there!
Go here:
la Primavera
I FINALLY GOT ALL FOUR SEASONS! I'm fuckin' excited, if you aren't, a big eff bomb to you! lol If you don't know who he is, you're missing out on greatness... Hip-hop producer from the DMV [WOMP] lol... He's worked with a few of my fav indie peeps like Nikkie Jean && Muhsinah [♥] just to name a few. The beats are rockin' the flows are... ok I guess, depends on what you like. Personally I'm into the background, the vibe, the steeze, the *insert random ass noun that means "cool"*. He rocks my socks to say the least... I'm looking forward his next fixation, this year seasons, next year... who knows?
Wanna download em all?
The Great Horne
Well... you learn something new everyday, && Sunday I found out that I shared Ms. Horne's bday, unfortunately on the day of her death. It's sad to say that such a truly beautiful and elegant woman has left the world... I read a little deeper into her bio instead of the norman [bday, dady, early life] bull && into some of the thing she did politically. Her last name wasn't Horne for no reason! The lady fought her way to greatness not on the heels of her skin, but on the character of her soul. Such defiance was unheard of in her day, && and still rare even in the present. She truly goes to show that the light and dark contrast in ANY RACE/ETHNICITY is only as wide as we make it. There is no need to place separation amongst each other when we all strive for the same goal... *steps down* One thing I found ironuc is that Ms. Horne has been quoted as saying that she "wasn't born a singer" && the person that was set to play her in a movie, Ms. Alicia Keys, CLEARLY wasn't either! Yeh, that was a dig, but so what?! lol That was not to defame her *cough cough* character, but the reality of the situation. The lady is a musician, not a singer. Anywhos... It's a shame to say that I didn't know much about Ms. Horne until her death, but I will say that from what I have learned, we have truly lost someone that embodied the true definition of a lady.
Oh, and I chose that picture because I feel like it truly shows her in the throws of passion, for her music.
Friday, May 7, 2010
My New Hobby
I'm ALWAYS on the hunt for new music, but from what I've found, there's a lot of shit on my iTunes that is collecting dust because I haven't given it a proper listen... Ergo, new column, from the Archives. This one mixtape however is only a month and a day old, sooooo not that bad, but I'm def a little upset that I didn't give it the time of day, bc it DEF deserves it. Here's his bio via Lastfm
"Jansport J, with his name originating as a comedic poke to his habit of taking his backpack EVERYWHERE, is an up-and-coming producer based out of Covina, California. He is on a quest to bring positive, honest music to the masses.
+ “Growing up as a kid, I grew up listening to a range of Hip Hop music with my older sister. Whether it be [artist]NWA[/artist], [artist]EPMD[/artist], [artist]A Tribe Called Quest[/artist], or [artist]Luke[/artist]. The music was straight-forward and was a realistic representation of their life and views. I feel like that’s what we’ve lost, and I aim to bring back the soul of the music.”
Every song on this tape has a meaning to it. As strange as it sounds, no matter how harsh it may come off, how mellow it appears to be, in my opinion, every one of his beats represents an emotion. A different level of life... Total and utter hotness. Somebody once told me *cough cough* [Juliano] that I should dabble into producing, and I feel like this just MIGHT have solidified my interest....
Download here
...It's been another long, and overdrawn pause between me && the cyber world that yearns for my much ado opinions, but I'm glad to say that ya girl is back, once again. Finals are over, bullshit has been cleared, shoulders have been dusted off, dorm cleared out, && a smile is back on my face. Thanx to new realizations && old preparations, my life is on track [I think], && I am free to talk ab the world... So, enjoy :)
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