Well... you learn something new everyday, && Sunday I found out that I shared Ms. Horne's bday, unfortunately on the day of her death. It's sad to say that such a truly beautiful and elegant woman has left the world... I read a little deeper into her bio instead of the norman [bday, dady, early life] bull && into some of the thing she did politically. Her last name wasn't Horne for no reason! The lady fought her way to greatness not on the heels of her skin, but on the character of her soul. Such defiance was unheard of in her day, && and still rare even in the present. She truly goes to show that the light and dark contrast in ANY RACE/ETHNICITY is only as wide as we make it. There is no need to place separation amongst each other when we all strive for the same goal... *steps down* One thing I found ironuc is that Ms. Horne has been quoted as saying that she "wasn't born a singer" && the person that was set to play her in a movie, Ms. Alicia Keys, CLEARLY wasn't either! Yeh, that was a dig, but so what?! lol That was not to defame her *cough cough* character, but the reality of the situation. The lady is a musician, not a singer. Anywhos... It's a shame to say that I didn't know much about Ms. Horne until her death, but I will say that from what I have learned, we have truly lost someone that embodied the true definition of a lady.
Oh, and I chose that picture because I feel like it truly shows her in the throws of passion, for her music.
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