...On a day-to-day basis, I am constantly subjected to a myriad of bullshit that forcibly penetrates my ears, but every one in a blue moon, there comes a musician/band/singer/PRODUCER that makes me excited to be alive && shows me why I love music so much... This person right now is Freddie Joachim. This brings me to my next point. Literally. ☝. I hate mother fucking snippets! It started with the Last resort Eps with Mellow Orange && 'nem [country] && at first I was like okay, hot, hotter, fucking fire! And as I came to my climax, it ended! WTF?! A snippet is like a minute man with a big ass dick! Excuse me for my vulgar vernacular, but imagine my frustration! Seriously! I'm vibing and shit, && out of the blue, it fades into nothingness... SIGH. I know the reason for them, give you a sample of what you intend to BUY but in all honesty, I am a B.R.O.K.E college student! I love music, but uhhhh unless it is a device in which to hold it, tunes are simply not in my budget lol THAT being said, I did my research on this fella && it turns out that him && his gang have plenty of FREE downloadables to keep me happy for a good minute, or until I get my cake up lmao. So uhhh tune in. The man is fucking sick. I mean "It Just Ain't Working Out" -Mayer Hawthorne remix? #getthefuckouttahere
And another thing! I hate when artists put their entire mixtape on one trck instead of splitting them up! Ugh! What if I don't like all the songs, or I like one more than the others? You just gonna make me listen to the whole thing huh?! lol Next week, remind me why my opinion matters, but for now, I'm just putting it out there!
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