damn.Damn.DAMN... Yet another #loss for the summer. Anyone that knows me knows that I love Atlanta, && I love Atlanta music... ESPECIALLY underground, so when I read ab Atlanta's Indie Fest 2010 hosted by Corey Davis, I was hella excited! Last year it featured two of my favs, Mach 5 and Hollyweerd... && not t o mention Mickey Factz && Big Sean... However I can NOT find info on the festival for this year! What the eff?! Once again excited for a big let down... This could be my chance to be a tiny bit of a groupie && to FINALLY see Miya Bailey, Hollyweerd, && Corey Davis at City of Ink && hell it IS Atlanta so there's a good chance I might see Brittany Bosco too... Ahhhh yeh the Jack rabbit. Too bad I'm going to summer school && the beach so unless it's at a convenient date, I STILL won't be able to go... *pouts*
Anywho's... the music. Hollyweerd; I've been riding their balls pretty hard for ab a good year && a half now, Edible Phat, Electric Showroom, to Candy for Kleptos, && the remixes... Follow them on twitter && all... Yeh I'ma groupie lol But anywho, they sound like a modern Outkast without the early grit, so I'll sayyyyyyy (c) 2000. From trippy background tunes to clever linguistic twists, they are, in MY opinion, the CLOSEST answer we have to this tragic music world we have w/o Outkast... Link ---->http://hollyweerdisnhere.com/
Mach 5: I'm prety new to them actually. The first one I copped was "The Playground" mixtape, && I HAVE to say, from that moment, it was love... lol Their music is tight && emeffin H I L A R I O U S. "Nasty" off the above, is MOST DEFINITELY one of the nastiest songs I've ever heard in my life, but, that is my shit. Their a more whimsical spin on the new "hipster rap" as the call it, but whatever genre you wanna throw it under, I likes. Link----->http://machfive.bandcamp.com/album/stepchild-ep
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